Saturday, May 21, 2011

The history of mathematics

Mathematics has the time in our lives from the beginning. Even in prehistoric times a person was required to meet the math. The number of hunters, tools, or members of a family were probably due to a finger on one or more hands, including possibly because the current number of systems based on the number 5 or 10.

The second step probably originated from the need to organize large amounts: between young and old hunters, light or heavy weapons, large orSmall Leather.

The first issue was published before the creation of the letters. From pieces of wood carvings, dealers and inspectors were able to make their bills. Egyptian pyramids are the result of early use of mathematics.

The history of mathematics

In 3000 BC, people began using the theoretical tools and numbering systems in Mesopotamia (Babylon) and Egypt. The mathematician and scholar of Euclid began his famous school of mathematics in Alexandria, as suchLaying the foundations of mathematics. The Egyptians used a series of ten number system based on the number 10 and still in use today is based. He also signs used to describe the numbers 10 and 100, so that the largest numbers are easier to describe. Geometry began to receive much attention and has been used in surveying, cities and roads.

The Egyptians knew how to count in groups and using the rules defined for the calculation of geometric objects. For example, managed toalmost exactly calculate the area of ​​circles. The number p, that amount was approximately 3.1415926, very close to about 3.16 calculated by the Egyptians.

The Babylonians used a number of number sixty and used cuneiform symbols and arrows when what the record number. solve their mathematical tool, it is also made square, and the number of tables has helped them to multiply, divide understand or charge interest. They also understood PythagorasTheorem of Pythagoras, 2000 years before he was born.

large gains in science and mathematics, the acceptance of knowledge in mathematics from the Babylonians and Egyptians, the Greeks to create sets of universal application. The Greeks are all founded on a rigorous logic and systematic approach, where the mathematical proof was required to prove the truth of scientific claims.

Eventually, the Chinese also knew the theory of Pythagoras', a few centuries earlier. GreekAstronomers speed of development of geometry, for which the calculations of celestial bodies and the diameter of the earth, and shows that the earth is really round. Euclid is a greek mathematician who has documented his knowledge of the most demanding time using axioms (unprovable truth sets), together with the simplest mathematical tools. This created the basis from which other rules were based.

In the fifth century BC, Democritus formulated an equationto calculate the amount of the towers, and Hippocrates noted that the shapes of crescent with rounded edges of the surface triangles certain (Hippocrate's Crescent), a phenomenon that the proverbial "square the circle" they said. In this way, and couples with the rulers and compass, trying to draw a square that is the same area of ​​a special group (the problem Delsk) would. This math problem to prove Archimedes and the calculation of p, althoughcan not yet fully accomplished.

The Greeks could not solve these four problems: to divide an angle into three parts, doubling the volume of a cube, the calculation of squaring the circle, and the number p. None of these problems were solved only by using a ruler and compass.

During the time of Alexander the Great, Alexandria was the world capital of culture where academic achievement and concentrated. Archimedes and Euclid are two mathematical research thatAdvanced science strong.

At that time, most mathematicians are also interested in astronomy, optics, mechanics, theoretical discoveries often went hand in hand with practical application. In the third century BC, they discovered the conic sections, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas.

Around 476 BC in India, Aryabhata calculated the number p for its fourth decimal place, was correctly predicted eclipses and the solution of astronomical problems, used sineFunctions. His compatriot Brahmagupta worked with negative numbers, and defines the quadratic equation. Baskar then defined the theory of numbers, analysis and algebra.

Around the year 900, the Arabs translated the teaching of mathematics, particularly in the field of arithmetic, the translation and adaptation of existing knowledge from various cultures of AT. The concept of algorithm derived from the name of the researcher: Muhammad al-Chwarismis (also calledal-Khorezm). Algebra was named after the name of the book written, and the Persian Omar al-Khayyam fact, root to shoot the second and third roots of the fifth. This particular mathematical problems trigonometry worried.

Through the Middle Ages, the Indians and the Mezopotamians has taken the lead in arithmetic, once again the determination of the number zero. Even if the Mayans knew long before the number zero for the first time used in India(In the Old World).

However, the findings were important in Asia is not known to the rest of the world for 200 years later.

However, the Europeans had their own merits, the translation of the Arabic and Greek mathematicians. In Germany in the 15th Century has introduced many new mathematical symbols are still valid. Nicholas of Oresme studied the mathematical problems of infinity and Adam Riese (actually Ries) had logarithmic ruler. In the 16th CenturyThe Italians have made great advances in geometry. The search for a specific algebraic equation, the increase of interest in Geronimo Cardano irrational and complex numbers.

In the 17th and 18th century European scientists broke the foundations of mathematical systems, which until then applied and continued progress in this area.

Now the number one was not indivisible, and the fractions were determined to be less than the allowable limit.

Groups began to be written as a decimal numberPoints and charge mode.

Analytic geometry was presented in terms of curves and coordinated.

In 1680, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz came with the differential and integral calculus.

At the beginning of the 19th Century, was born the non-Euclidean geometry, which focused on the discovery of axioms that allow independent parallel geometry so far.

Replaced by the famous mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, the problem of complexityNumbers.

Bernoulliov introduced variation calculation and Gaspard Monge descriptive geometry.

The so-called advanced algebra Fermatov further adoption.

Sets and logic, the path led to the Boolean algebra, according to the logical connection, it was possible to use the first computer.

Lagrange equation creates the dynamics of the system, a system that is constantly evolving.

Laplace developed the theory of probability and Leonhard Euler was one of the mathematicians who have madelarge gains in analysis.

As such, mathematics is more accurate and effective. But to win, in the light of all this, science was not yet completed. Without the final calculation of the basic assumptions (axioms), as demonstrated by Kurt Güdel, it was not possible to fully explain the math.

The 20th century was a period of abstract mathematics, a departure from the first mathematicians who have studied the theoretical foundations of theirDiscipline.

Chaos theory emerged in the second half of the 20th Century and the dynamic adjustment of the systems or studies, as in nature. These systems are capable of change, swings, such as weather or stock market performance, but also make the system dynamic. Once these systems behave with sudden instability, chaos begin searching for study. Jules Henri Poincare warned of this problem, at the end of the 19th Century. At the end of1970 he developed the fractal geometry of Benoit Mandelbrot that make graph chaotic systems.

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