Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daniel and End Time Math

What is the specific sequence of events by the end of all things? The disciples wanted to know, and we also. Let the math and see if we can avoid some understanding of this problem. Contact Daniel 9

First we learn that divided for a period of seventy "seven" in three distinct categories of time, throughout Jewish history are complete. The Hebrew word translated "weeks" simply means a period of seven units of time. This year is the only device that has a sense of prophecy.Sun seventy times seven years or every 490 years, the entire amount of time, we need to work. We realize that this is not another 490 years, but included a major interruption in the history we live in today.

Next, find out exactly what happened during these 490 years.

Daniel and End Time Math

1 Too bad it will be a mortal blow by the death of the Messiah and his return in a perfect world, Satan must provide the treatment. Sin will be judged, then cut.

2 Every prophecy in relation toJudaism, can be met through the prophets.

3 The "Blessed" will be anointed. This refers to the scene of Jesus' baptism, where the Spirit descends on Jesus? Or this Psalm 45:7, where God anointed Jesus as sovereign over all the earth? It does not matter. Both events in 490 years.

4 will be brought in everlasting righteousness, that begins the millennium and the eternal reign of Christ.

This is a great task for only 490 years. Part of it is alreadyhappened.

Then, explain what will happen, he set out when the season begins. The announcement that the Jews in Jerusalem to live in their country will continue to signal the beginning of Jewish history and has seen the last lap. II Chronicles 36:22-23 and the next page of the Bible, in Ezra 1:1-4: This notice is given twice in the Bible. We are told that it was more historically has been announced, and that there are different ways of counting, butvast majority of those who have studied this prophecy, and agree that from this moment occurred shortly before the Messiah, 483 years.

Why not 483 and 490? The prophecy says that there are two divisions of time between the announcement and the death of the Messiah (Daniel use "cut" the term). First, a period of 49 years of reconstruction, followed by a period of 434 years for the work of Christ. 49 + 434 = 483.

In my mind these first two verses,and the first two periods are very simple and seem to follow each other. Christians have enjoyed for centuries in this passage, as it was so concise and clear, saying that the Holy Spirit, come exactly when the Messiah for the first time! But considering the world knew him not, although this simple math problem and added to the prophecy of Bethlehem was, and much more there for the reading.

So it is in the last days. Although books and Bibles andBrochures are in abundance to tell people exactly when and where you look like Christ and Antichrist, the world and the professing church, they ignore it in search of well-religion and the concerns of life.

While verses 24-25 are easily comprehensible, 26 and 27 are not taken quickly addressed. He could be with all the steps on consciously "blurred" to ensure that they are hidden until the right time. I confess, I still have problems here and elsewhere in this study.I share with you the things that I'm sure. Others certainly take the rest when it's time.

After the second period of 434 years of the Messiah is killed. "But not for himself!" Love the way the mind injection of this sad but wonderful truth in the midst of a preview of the story? Now, this is right after? Some time later? And the destruction of Jerusalem foretold in verse 26, is the one who actually took place after Jesus, or those who have seen the entry intoat the end?

Here I can just my opinion. I think the consistency of the texts and all other similar texts in Daniel insists that we in this part of the prophecy of the end times. In verse 27 below, there is no doubt that the war must be mentioned at the end.

Still, I'm not in denial, that Rome was to destroy Jerusalem, shortly after Jesus was crucified, who stopped the worship of the temple, which had surrounded the city, the Jews fled ... are a lot of thisrepeatedly in recent days, leading to the return of Christ.

So the math is not so bad after all. 'S "ad" = 483 + years, first coming of Jesus + this "break" + another seven years = the second coming of Christ. Now I do not have to argue that an additional 7 years stored, but the need for another article.

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