Friday, August 5, 2011

Show and Tell - a springboard for Mathematics and Science education

Before I started teaching, I imagined a group interested in Show and Tell would listen politely to each other by small children and moving objects around with diligence. This hypothesis has collapsed quite early in my first year as a teacher. Although there have been times that everything went well, Show and Tell, the problems were many and I have found to avoid the experience. In addition, four years and five children compete to see who is the most beautiful stuff. The event waseven less attractive than students wanted to have a turn playing with toys, children bored restless and lost interest in twisted or disturbed children angry because the routine of class, trying their secret locations. Show and Tell was often an ad last week for toys or fast food freebie.

Parents also complained about the stress of trying to remember to show and tell day for trying to help their child choose to show the items, or in dealing with children who are undecidedI wanted something that would lead to impress their classmates. Other parents have taken on the task completely, the selection of objects and sent them to read to the class or with the statement that no one had yet touched the element with detailed explanations, it was getting to be broken. He must be a better way.

In an attempt to make Show and Tell Work for students and parents for me, I took one day a week for the activities planned as part of my math and science of the time.Everyone in the class was asked to bring the same items every week. I usually put some extra for the few who have forgotten. Instead of using show and tell time to the practice of children in the public domain, I planned several days talking to the class about something that had taken in their mathematical and scientific journals.

Show and Tell - a springboard for Mathematics and Science education

Parents received a letter explaining that the purpose of show and tell, would extend to programs in mathematics, science and readingBuild vocabulary and practice benchmarking and skills. The children were the responsibility of the selection are the products, but very strict criteria.

The rules were: Do not bring ...
anything of value, something that could not be touched by all, or something that would upset the students strong when it broke every living thing, as students often have pet allergies and bugs in the bottle too often neglected Items too big - ask - can fit in a brown paper bagLunch? (Exceptions here - books and occasionally other items) Toys - because it causes too many problems, as mentioned

The parents had to remind their son or daughter off to choose an item from the list, but not with their child as long as the choice in the form interfere with the weekly list.

I also sent home a Show and Tell-list throughout the year. This was a short note that the parents suggested the list on the refrigerator in their children's eye level positions thatencourage the child to agree with every element and every week in search of the next element, and to remind them that the child in order to pack the item in your backpack the night before.

Class Room Show and Tell rules were: the students were required to make entries in the class at the beginning of the day, he called with name badges (tags Children take home their fields print-tape is available in most centers) and Show and Tell table, put on display. The children were always very excited to showand Tell the morning and I would have some 'free time for them to look at objects on the table and say a couple of classmates on their products.

Champion Show and Tell list

During the creation of an annual spectacle and Tell-list is the first date, and then bring the point illustrated with a simple design, and, finally, a brief description of what the class activity. Keep the font size. Here's an example from my list.

An apple (not tea) - sorting, classifying andMeasure Something about - Vocabulary mathematics as edge, face, circle, circle, elements of classification through a series of criteria such as size, color, material A leaf - sort shapes, colors, counting points, the types of graphs similar leaf shapes on tracing paper and the charting of leaves similar to and different Something bright - Comparison, Vocabulary - reflection, reflect, tests (with a flashlight), because each element reflects the light Something that can be recycled - knowledge of recycling,Product classification, counting, plus, minus An old greeting card - are fitted with locks. How many blocks long is the card? How many squares cover an inch of your card? A graphical representation of pictures A Shell - classify and sort by size, color, shape, observation of the drawings About Canada (map, flag, book, piece of jewelry) - the awareness of Canadian symbols, the shape of the country, as the province, the provinces of counting, the appearance of similar graphic symbols

I generally chose the objects thatintegrated monthly themes.

Champion Show and Tell lesson with a skirt

The children put their Show and Tell rock in the middle of the carpet, and then sit in a circle around them. I start with the questions kind of observation. "What do you think has hit the rocks and how they are similar and how they differ?

We try to sort the stones by size. What rock is the greatest? Rock that is the smallest? Let us for a long snake. "Everyone takes a turn using his orto organize the skirt with a hint of a student or teacher stones, if necessary.

"Now we want to sort the rocks by darker colors and lighter colors. We can make the darker rocks on the carpet, plastic and lighter on the carpet and other stones striped or dotted in between." If this task is completed and, depending on the level of attention the group can look into. Examples: "There are more dark or more light rock rock rock is less tedious and less shiny what?Let the rock that wiggle and jiggle that sort. "

Counting of objects, graphics, expanding vocabulary, mathematics, or do other math concepts easy to integrate in the classroom, if there is a lot of the same object. Run the lesson, the attention span of the whole group. Children who want to continue the comparison of their rocks, for example, a scale can do this in the middle of the time.

Then I have an observation model drawing on paperPaper. Draw with a marker and talk loudly to describe your thoughts. "I noticed that there are more shaky stones and rocks that do not wobble less. I'll pull for drawing my observation. I'm going to draw a line my card and put the rocks on one side and less flaky rock, swing that t Don 'the other. The stones are mostly round shapes, so I try. I will indicate the possibility of adding patches that appear. I put a few lines next to the rocks to make on this siteseem to be moving. Now I want to color with crayons, so I did not cover my drawing lines. I light some gray and some dark gray. Now I have the floor under my wobbly wobbly stones release. I hear what sounds first letter, and what can I use? What is the next note and letter? "Do the same with words not flaky. It ends with a drawing of each rock." I am the rock I put on the show side to attract. And 'black with white stripes. "The StampDrawing on the release date.

The children sit at tables and the registration of one or more of their comments about the lessons in their science and mathematics journals. This is a permanent job and the results are on the level of development of each child. The children take turns punching the day on their side.

This method worked well for children, their parents and me. All children had the opportunity to be involved during each day and check Show and Tellold, or learning new science, math, reading and writing concepts have been a part of each Show and Tell experience.

Check out these pages for more information about the teaching of science in preschool and kindergarten with Show and Tell.

Thanks To : omega vrt350hd Hitz Song

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