Tuesday, April 5, 2011

illustrated books and comics: an addition to any healthy diet reading

I remember as a child my parents were constantly urges us to read. Read books, magazines, packaging, signs, labels, cartoons, anything. Everything was fair game with the pressure. I was lucky because they were able to read a difficult game. Mom once said that it would not be surprised when I read the inside of the roll of toilet paper. I said, "But Mom, there's nothing on the roll of printed paper." She laughed, but it could and would. He was right. NowMy job is to read to say that the curiosity of these children.

As a teacher of what our state requires at-risk adolescents who face the problem of alarmingly unprepared students. Students who are reading is a chore at all costs avoid. These students are in my eleventh grade class with only basic reading skills of a fifth or sixth grader. Now I'm facing the same problem, many meetings with the teachers aware that their students not only read and understandThe materials that must be mastered. They simply use a pleasure and not a trick to avoid a teacher's class-based reading practice test. So what can we do?

Of course we have to teach these children to read well enough to grasp in a position to share the materials from them. We can not leave until the reading teachers, students more likely he or she can deal with effectively. But if we focus on learning to read, which is the content areaMaterials. The integration of content with learning to read is often a Herculean task. After all, much to read, as in a math class. Catch-22

Many teachers will tell you that teachers do not read, and rightly so. In most countries, further studies and certificates are required, a reading teacher to be qualified. But even without these requirements are teachers willing and able to detect reading problems among students and be willing to help theseStudents reach their potential. More and more states, according to all teachers in additional courses to ensure that they are able to take this problem.

I now deeply rooted in this issue for some time and I learned that graphic novels, picture books or when used in combination with other materials, can increase students' understanding and promote a feeling of success which in turn allows students the opportunity to work in the successClassroom.

When a child comes into my class with limited reading skills, use of material covered in the companion graphic novel category. For example. One of the first books I read in my class of Art The language of HG Wells' War of the Worlds. When I saw many faces I knew they would fight students who have not even tried to open the book. I was in the fortunate position of a new graphical version of this classic, one of the reasons why I chose to be real, and Ia copy to each student pass. Suddenly, these students face changed as she began to leaf through the book. Some even questioned. "You mean we have a comic book?"

Actually, the students do not realize that these graphic versions Actually represented a reading experience more challenging, like most comics, but changing the perception of the material, and as an alternative, I was what these students to success not that many hadexperienced for some time. The condition in which the book was that it is not a substitute for the original novel, but a learning tool. They had not read the novel, but the graphical version would help them with some of the hardest parts. Of course, she complained my "good readers" and I had to assure them that there would be no election and the classification has been balanced for all.

In addition, class discussions, use of visual technology and other tools alsoincluded, but the biggest success was evident from the inclusion of these illustrated books. If you think, your first experience with reading was well with picture books, sterling picture, then the comics.

This concept can be applied to some 'imagination to do the math and science, as well as a. Teachers may find they have good computer skills to create materials that address their areas of competence andprovide a similar graphical version of the lesson. For example. I use the story of a man out of service with the task of how much material he has to renovate the stadium school faces. Through the use of pictures with captions students are suddenly drawing the word problems, using advanced concepts of mathematics or algebra and geometry when they have difficulty with simple fractions previously.

How do I ask the students progress during the year if theycan do, reports and other projects with the graphic novel. I have developed some guidelines, but yes it has been requested in approximately 72% of my readers outside the entrance to the sixth grade reading level, 10th grade passed the test of basic skills by the end of the year. It works, but why.

One of the things I've learned over the years is that the reading is cyclical. Success breeds more success and the growing desire to learn more. Read more improves the ability to read andhow to improve the skills, the desire is in place and the best reading. Round it goes. And the same goes vice versa. students struggling with reading problems with the reading required. Come quickly to "hate reading." Not worsen the reading and their skills.

Technology may have made a poor reading skills. We expect to know things by images, especially moving images. Students are now linked, and in many cases the classspend much of their time in these students do not get bored and the teachers are more show than the master. Students must read at any time and do not want to read. By integrating the graphic novel or picture book, we are tempted them something they can connect visually.

Often this requires only the catalyst for students who open a world of words for them, as demonstrated previously thought. You gain the desire to continueany success is measured and returned to the desire for greater success. The negative cycle is interrupted and the beginning of major success. All because of a picture book.

illustrated books and comics: an addition to any healthy diet reading

Thanks To : ST3750640NS Black Stool

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